
About 132 results
Feb 23, 2022

“With Lisbon Digital School I reinvented and challenged myself, no filters” says Natacha Pereira

Natacha Pereira was involved in Lisbon Digital School foundation and helped transform the project, born from the dream of its founder Virginia Coutinho, into a reference in digital marketing training school. Lisbon Digital School offers more than 30 courses and trainers with experience in companies from the most diverse areas, who deal daily with the […]

Feb 22, 2022

Convert or manage scarcity

We live, from a technological point of view, a period without parallel in Portugal. No country of our size has managed to breed so many Unicorns. Better, it will be necessary to join Spain, Greece, and Italy to reach the same number as our country. For that alone, we should be proud! But there’s more, […]

Feb 17, 2022

The dilemma for technological talents

Portuguese companies that supply technological services are now faced with a dilemma: either they lose their talents or they follow the remuneration to a large extent already practiced in other geographies and other economies, with a purchasing power and an economic aggressiveness incomparably superior to the Portuguese one. Portugal has been able to establish a […]

Sep 28, 2021

A one-stop-shop that creates real value

João Santos is interviewed by Marketeer magazine, to talk about WYgroup and its positioning as a one-stop-shop, creating added value for its customers. João Santos stresses that at the moment, more than 30% of WYgroup’s turnover is international. “We ended the semester with a growth of 38% and we believe that we will finish this […]

Sep 22, 2021

An economic opportunity more significant than the digital one

According to Pedro Janela, “We are at the advent of the 5th industrial revolution, in which will be a new economic opportunity much more significant than was the digital one”. Pedro Janela studied Electrotechnical Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico, but would eventually go into marketing after completing, in 1995, an executive program in Competitive Marketing […]

Jul 07, 2021

Are there also stereotypes in “B2B”?

The challenge of deconstructing companies’ labels and clichés: There is still a lot to do, but there is already a trail of brand followers to break these stereotypes in their communication – whatever it is, always adequate to the purpose of the brand – people-oriented, or in the jargon of the trade, in Business to […]

Jul 06, 2021

The digital presence earned greater relevance

In PME Magazine’s latest interview, Bloomcast Managing Partner, Rodrigues Oliveira, discusses the challenges companies have had to face due to COVID-19 and the importance of a relevant digital presence The communication consultancy agency, BloomCast Consulting, was founded in 2012, born to be a “bridge” between businesses and communication strategies for the companies’ target audiences. It […]