
WYgroup is an Excellent Company to Work for in Portugal, according to Human magazine

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Revista Human highlighted WYgroup as one of the excellent companies to work for in Portugal and interviewed Ana Andrade, Head of People, Talent, and Culture at the group.

WYgroup’s activities focus on integrating different areas such as creativity, technology, data, and digital media to provide innovative and effective solutions to clients from end to end, as emphasized by Ana Andrade. She explains, “Our multidisciplinary approach allows us to develop campaigns and projects dedicated to marketing and consumer experience, which stand out in the market for their complexity and difficulty. By combining specialized knowledge in various areas, we achieve unique, effective, and impactful results, creating more value for the client.”

With 23 years of history, viewed with pride, confidence, and optimism, WYgroup has demonstrated “remarkable growth and evolution, adapting to market changes and client needs,” according to Ana Andrade. She recalls that from the beginning, they have cultivated “an unwavering commitment to innovation and excellence, which has enabled significant achievements and sustained growth.” These consistent achievements solidify their position as the largest ecosystem of communication with exclusively Portuguese capital.

The people management strategy “has organically evolved, adapting to the organization’s and employee’s needs,” shares Ana Andrade. She details, “We place the individual at the center and focus on their happiness, creating a cooperative and inclusive work environment where employees feel valued. We promote purpose creation, recognizing the importance of well-being and personal and professional development. Leaders are not born; they are made. Therefore, we seek to empower our leaders to inspire and engage their teams, investing in training and developing programs that stimulate creativity and curiosity, fundamental pillars for us.”

Innovation, creativity, and efficiency

Innovation, creativity, and efficiency are key at WYgroup, where the connection between people and business is established through “a culture that places talent at the center of success,” explains Ana Andrade. She adds, “People drive innovation, creativity, and efficiency in our projects. Therefore, we invest in creating a work environment where employees feel motivated, empowered, and inspired to contribute to the goals of each of our companies. This engagement is our differentiating factor. Our people not only adopt our values but also reflect them in the quality of their delivery. It is this synergy between talent, culture, energy, and commitment that drives our growth.”

Finally, among WYgroup’s most recent people management practices, some highlights include the implementation of talent management tools, notably the adoption of the Zoho People platform to modernize the entire feedback system, performance evaluation, and consolidation of personal information. Ana Andrade believes, “This tool will facilitate continuous monitoring and analysis of results.” She also discusses the training programs they have been implementing: “These aim to promote the professional development of employees, allowing them to establish meaningful connections with more experienced colleagues and receive guidance and support for career growth.” The results have been very positive, with noticeable increases in motivation and performance.

Article published in Human magazine, May/June 2024 edition.