VWDS WY Creative and WY Performance Campaign

VWDS launches a disruptive recruiting campaign with WYgroup

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Volkswagen Digital Solutions (VWDS), the technological hub of the Volkswagen Group based in Portugal, wants to hire for a “dream vacation” and counted on WYcreative and WYperformance to create a video campaign that broke with the usual.

Volkswagen Digital Solutions is a company in Portugal dedicated to creating technological solutions for the various identities of the German Volkswagen Group, exporting its innovation and products all over the world. Today there are more than 400 employees divided into three Tech Units and, in 2023, it aims to reach 520 employees.

To achieve this hiring objective, it relied on WYgroup agencies to develop a strategy that would allow it to recruit in volume and that would set technology apart from the competition – by hiring for a “dream vacation”.

The narrative takes the viewer on a ride in the recently launched ID.Buzz van, from the Volkswagen brand, on a journey through unusual places that are discovered by candidates for open positions at VWDS. Small details of how this company works are revealed, while candidates answer the question “What was your best vacation?”.

“The starting point for this campaign was to be different from what is already done, so the idea of hiring for a dream vacation came up. There are many companies to hire for your dream job, but I’ve never heard of hiring for a dream vacation. This campaign makes it possible to set VWDS apart from what is already practiced in the market and to connect with an audience that is more concerned with flexibility and well-being in the workplace, but is also interested in innovation and technology – hence the connection to ID.Buzz, courtesy of SIVA who lent us the vans to run the ad.”, explains Rui Martins, responsible for the Volkswagen Digital Solutions brand.

“The campaign hitched a ride on a typical van that dates back to the 60s and appeals to a younger audience and an adventurous spirit, who seeks to be detached and with some mobility – hence the idea of promoting work that you know vacation. This is the result of the collaborative work between VWDS, and the WYgroup agencies – WYcreative, which developed the creativity and strategy of Social Media, and WYperformance, which implemented the digital marketing strategy and campaigns of Paid Media”, explains Carlos Pontes, creative director by WYcreative.

The objective of the campaign is to portray the work-life balance, hybrid and remote work, and mobility while attracting potential interest in working in a company that brings these values to a human side and concern for employees.

Watch here the campaign video.