McDonald’s Portugal

McDonald’s Portugal

McDonald’s Portugal is a global brand constantly looking for innovation and wisely using the past to be a leader in the future. As usual in large companies, McDonald’s Portugal administrative teams use internal apps to work on tasks. Over time, several teams and providers have built these apps. However, it can be challenging to maintain consistency between platforms. With that in mind, McDonald’s Portugal challenged Bliss to create a design system for all their Portuguese internal apps.


McDonald’s Portugal has multiple platforms for different areas, which brings extra layers of complexity and challenges the creation of coherent digital experiences.
Our goal was to build a design system focused on the users to give them the comfort, satisfaction, and happiness only McDonald’s Portugal can offer. The system’s assets and conventions would help the brand overcome this challenge by simplifying everyone’s daily work and helping them create iconic designs.

A new iconic concept

We analyzed some of McDonald’s Portugal internal platforms. We leveraged their branding guidelines to create a UI concept that would visually unify all digital tools and increase brand efficacy for all internal users.
This concept included the new experience principles and principles, the design system’s name (“Iconic Design System”), the new design prototype for one of McDonald’s Portugal internal platforms, and the visual language (typography, color scheme, iconography, buttons, and motion elements).

Defining the system’s standards

We defined the design system standards using an iterative and collaborative process that included Product Designers, UX Writers, and Engineers. Together, we created the voice and tone, style, and component guidelines. This way, McDonald’s Portugal design system would be able to help product teams create simple, intuitive, and iconic experiences while working more efficiently.

Design and development

We designed the experience and features for two selected platforms. Alongside these activities, we created a cross-platform library of components. Our engineering team coded the components of the library using Bootstrap to be later released. We also cataloged them for future use.

Integrated tools

Using an integrated set of tools was critical to keeping our team aligned and collaborating with the client. These tools allowed us to design and share unique layouts with the client (Figma), track the entire project’s progress (DevOps), code components and catalog them (Bootstrap), and store design outputs and engineering deliverables (zeroheight).

A system that keeps growing

McDonald’s Portugal Iconic Design System is used internally at the company’s headquarters in Portugal for all new projects. It helps teams solve real problems, improve design quality, and create a cohesive digital experience across different touchpoints. This system will continue growing and evolving to meet McDonald’s Portugal needs.

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