WY Group Employees Happy Workplaces

Inspiring People, Happy Workplaces!

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WYgroup is once again on the podium of the happiest companies in Portugal, for the third year in a row.

The results of the 12th edition of the Happiness Works/EXAME study have already been officially released, which awarded 3rd place in the ranking to WYgroup.

This annual initiative distinguishes organizations that give priority to the satisfaction, involvement and happiness of their employees, and takes into account rigorous assessments and research to assess employee sentiment and satisfaction across multiple criteria, including work-life balance, career development opportunities, company culture and overall employee happiness.

This recognition reinforces our commitment to promoting a positive work environment that prioritizes everyone’s well-being, and that creates a supportive atmosphere that promotes creativity, curiosity, collaboration and innovation.

It is often said that “there is no path to Happiness. Happiness is the way”. It’s not true here: there is a path of learning and constant improvements, which is done every day, and when it is shared by everyone it becomes the Path – everyone’s path.

Thank you to everyone who is part of our journey, and who helps us improve every day, step by step.

We are always just getting started!