FLOENE Feira da Agricultura

FLOENE and White Collaborate to Promote Biomethane

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FLOENE made its debut at the National Agriculture Fair (FNA), showcasing a new opportunity for the agricultural sector—the conversion of waste into biomethane. This circular economy process presents a new revenue potential for producers by generating renewable energy, which will play a crucial role in the nation’s energy transition.

In these initial steps to promote biomethane and in organizing their first presence at the FNA, FLOENE was supported by White Way®. The FLOENE stand attracted significant interest from the general public and various institutional figures, including the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister, the President of the Assembly of the Republic, as well as other ministers, secretaries of state, deputies, and local officials.

In addition to the stand, FLOENE, in partnership with the Portuguese Farmers Confederation (CAP), organized a seminar titled ‘Opportunities and Challenges in Agricultural Waste Valorization for Biomethane Production.’ Key speakers included CAP’s Secretary-General Luís Mira, FLOENE’s CEO Gabriel Sousa, and Luís Puchades, President of the Spanish Biogas Association.

Biomethane is an environmentally friendly, renewable gas produced from organic waste such as food scraps, animal manure, and agricultural residues. This gas helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and can be used just like natural gas without any equipment modifications.

André Rocha, FLOENE‘s Marketing Director, commented, “We welcomed visits from various dignitaries, officials, agricultural producers, and schools. We had the chance to explain how renewable energy can be produced from animal and crop waste and to promote the many benefits biomethane will bring to families, communities, and businesses. Our mascot cow, Flo, and our LEGO model were the true stars of the fair.”

Filipa Montalvão, Partner at White Way®, added, “Sustainability is a strategic theme for White, where we have developed numerous communication initiatives for clients in the energy, industrial, and other sectors. It is a privilege to take these first steps with FLOENE on a project that is pure circular economy.”