Five years after its foundation, Lisbon Digital School enters a new phase. “Learn faster, look forward” is the new motto. Lisbon Digital School seeks to diversify its training offer as much as possible. In a market that is looking for qualified profiles with digital skills, Natacha Pereira, Lisbon Digital School‘s CEO, considers that the academic […]
In the most recent WYtalk, Paulo Rossas, CIO at Lisbon Digital School, brought up a topic focused on the proliferation and (trickery) use of the word “strategy” in the world of Digital Marketing, and how it simply… doesn’t make any sense. Paulo told us that, in 1973, Adriano Celentano, an Italian artist, and singer, influenced […]
Creating successful brands and taking them to the global market is one of the biggest challenges we face in Portugal. (…) A data-driven brand is not a silver bullet, but it is the smartest way to mitigate risk and costs for successful entry into international markets. The successful cases are, unfortunately, few and limited to […]
In the latest edition of our WYtalks, Rui Ferreira (WYcreative) and Miguel Pires (NERVO), brought a new format to our Beach House – Debuzz: deconstructing the hype around buzzwords, and opening up space for uncomplicated conversations about topics from nowadays, such as AI and Web3. Together, they led the conversation through the widely publicized Artificial […]
WYgroup believes that «happiness at work is the engine that brings added value» to what they do. Ana Andrade’s mission is to create the conditions for her work to be more than that. Until September 2022, when Ana Andrade joined the WYgroup, the position that Ana Andrade assumed – Head of People, Talent, and Culture […]
We live in an era where artificial intelligence (AI) has gained space in all areas of our lives, from the simplest day-to-day tasks to the most complex challenges we face. One of the areas where AI will have a profound impact is in the professional context and in education, challenging us to rethink the way […]
It continues to amaze me the positioning and even the antagonism that some institutions have shown, in the face of the rapid growth of AI. We cannot stop the future and the wind that blows will not stop. A few days ago, I read an excellent interview on ECO by André Veríssimo to the New […]
What is this neuromarketing after all? We increasingly live in an attention economy. Every day, we are impacted by between 4,000 and 10,000 advertisements. Digital platforms compete for people’s time and the KPI of success is measured by making the user’s feed stop. Attention is the gold mine of this saturated economy and the contemporary […]
In times of uncertainty, the future is won with preparation and anticipation. For 2023, I want to emphasize four crucial themes that are crucial for the communication sector and its customers. Integrated communication will remain a key theme, regarding consultancy, creativity, traditional media relations, and social media evolving concepts such as branded, influencers, etc… To […]
The pandemic has accelerated the digitization of companies and the urgency of reinventing training within organizations, and we believe that nothing will ever be the same. We have witnessed the development of a culture of inclusion in organizations, more permeable to continuous training of their resources, not only as a legal obligation but also becoming […]