The office, also known as WYgroup’s Beach House, is where employees can not only work but also have fun and relax.
The new hybrid work models are nothing new at the WYgroup’s Beach House. The concept was already being implemented before the pandemic dictated remote work as a rule, and it already provided for not only the remote work component but also an office model quite different from what exists in most companies. Rita Baltazar, co-founder and partner of WYgroup, explains to Human Resources Portugal how the company works with its Employer Branding to make the employee experience more attractive.
[Human Resources] How are companies addressing the issue of Employer Branding in this post-pandemic phase?
The post-pandemic brought with it an acceleration of processes that already existed and reinforced the need for companies to be closer to their people. At WYgroup, this reality was already very present. What was necessary was to consolidate the relationship of proximity and the continuous commitment to retaining our people. Retaining talent is just as or more important than attracting it.
[Human Resources] The last two years, with all the changes brought to the job market, what kind of impact did it have?
In recent years there has been a need to “discover” an organization and work model that meets a need not only to maintain the unity and culture of the Group and its companies but also the need to protect our talents. It was an equation that was difficult to balance, as our culture favors contact and relationships between people, while the rules in force tended to avoid it.
We managed to make a path of balances and discoveries and we have not closed the model that we have implemented. We are confused by the total certainties in a world in which change, often abrupt, has been the most present element. We know, with some certainty, that the model of the future will not in any way change the model of the past. And we’re comfortable with that.
[Human Resources] What kind of strategies can WYgroup outline to enhance Employer Branding?
More than strategies, we have principles that guide us:
1. People always come first – all our decisions are underlying the well-being of those who choose us to be with us for a while. We owe them this care and attention.
2. Learning must be constant – it is a principle that challenges us to constantly learn, in our role with what we do, or in the desire to challenge ourselves. To help us consolidate this principle, WYgroup acquired Lisbon Digital School last September, so that our talents always have access to the most advanced developments in the market. In addition, we maintain active partnerships with various educational institutions.
3. Don’t work, have fun – WYgroup made its big transformation during the pandemic, completely changing the organizational model of its workspaces and transforming them into a Beach House. Coming to the office is over. The space where I decide to spend my day has to be as comfortable or more comfortable than my home. Ideally, an extension of it. That’s why our Beach House has full-length windows overlooking the sea and sofas that can be used for work, a more relaxed meeting, or a quieter reflection. We have places for leisure – for example to play table tennis with “silent” balls – and even for rest – like a sleeping pod – to recover some energy. The space offers changing rooms for those who want to take advantage of the parasols that the group makes available during the summer so that they can go for a walk, run, or do their physical activity without having to keep the same clothes and be able to take a shower.
[Human Resources] What are the challenges in attracting talent today, particularly in those recruitment areas where there are fewer resources available?
All the challenges that are presented to us today are from the past. What happens today is the existence of functions that did not exist in the past and, therefore, the market is faced with this great shortage of talent. No group has the variety of profiles that we have. At WYgroup we create functions according to needs and challenge our employees to step out of their comfort zone.
[Human Resources] Is this a Human Resources or Marketing topic? How do they articulate?
This has always been a topic of responsibility for both Human Resources and Marketing. It is a critical issue for an organization to function and therefore it is an issue for all of us. The use of an employer branding strategy can bring several advantages in addition to attracting and retaining employees, such as increasing the feeling of belonging, reducing turnover and absenteeism, reducing recruitment costs, and strategic positioning in the competitive work market. Specifically, at WYgroup, the head of employer branding and the head of communication work side by side with the various companies to set up our moments of integrated communication.
[Human Resources] What channels are companies using to reach young people and present their value propositions as employers?
In an increasingly competitive market, the way companies have to reach young people is through a continuous focus on proximity to this community. As a WYgroup, we are present in the channels that the market uses to recruit, but more than that, we open our Casa da Praia to those who want to visit us, favoring visits by undergraduate and masters students, so that they can get to know us and our leaders. This interaction gives rise to interest in our ecosystem, which for a group like ours is essential to attract young and skilled talent.
[Human Resources] And what kind of content is served?
Nowadays, what people seek to know about companies is largely due to intrinsic rewards such as the company’s culture, the balance between professional and personal life, and the benefits attributed to employees. That is everything that involves a sense of achievement, accomplishment, responsibility, and professional and personal development. That said, our networks are full of moments, whether they are sharing moments, invitations we make, visits we have, or events we organize. We try to give our followers a vision of our commitment to doing things differently, but above all to creating value for all our talents.
[Human Resources] From the candidates’ side, what are the expectations for a first job or even a job change? How is communication directed taking into account these expectations?
Anyone looking for a first job or a job change is essentially looking for a new challenge, career growth, a balance between personal life. At WYgroup we adapt the intensity of the challenge depending on the candidate’s profile. In the case of young people in their first job, we provide follow-up, preferably face-to-face, constantly challenging them to question and be curious. Only in this way will it develop and force us to question whether what we are doing is good enough or whether we can still do better and with greater value. We are aware that internships are as important to us as they are to candidates.
[Human Resources] How are the results of an Employer Branding strategy measured?
Employer branding can be measured through the retention rate, the turnover rate, feedback meetings and satisfaction questionnaires, among others. We have several moments that we use as fundamental in measuring the results of our strategy, namely our annual survey that last year led us to be considered one of the 20 happiest companies in Portugal.
[Human Resources] How will Employer Branding evolve going forward, after such a profound transformation of the job market?
The transformation of the market was already very present in the WYgroup. What we found was an acceleration of this same transformation. The biggest challenge lies in organizing the talent area. Other skills will be needed. Internal Communication has to be aligned with what we do outside. The news we publish has to be aligned with the organizational purpose and Marketing will play a key role in the way we present ourselves to the market. The future will have to go through the creation of a hybrid figure that will bridge the gap between Internal and External Communication, aligning contents and guaranteeing a total integration of communication.
Last but not least, it is necessary to work on the concepts of a company brand and its respective strategy, as if it were another brand, recognizing the importance of the perception and experience of the employee/consumer, which does not end with the off-boarding. Furthermore, it will also require greater transparency of the value proposition and benefits, thus creating stronger and more balanced relationships between the company and its employees. After all, who better than them to be our ambassadors and influencers?
[Human Resources] How does WYgroup run its own Employer Branding?
Given what we know, we believe that much better could be done. We want to be differentiators in our strategy and make the entire employee experience attractive. If we work well with our employer branding, we will be able to attract new talent, retain our people, and, in turn, facilitate the entire pre-boarding, on-boarding and off-boarding process. We want our people to be our brand ambassadors. In this sense, we continue to actively develop a set of initiatives based on the employee journey experience, whose essential condition is the optimization of an experience that promotes physical and psychological well-being, as well as a working space adapted to the needs and actions aimed at their growth and development.
[Human Resources] What has changed in your strategy with the new work models?
Nothing has changed. The design of our Beach House started long before the pandemic and was designed according to our needs, which already contemplated these new models of work. At WYgroup we bet on a hybrid work model, but in a collaborative format. In our day-to-day, we have moments when it is necessary to reflect and analyze, which requires more attention, and here the remote model is the one that fits best. But we also have moments of interaction and sharing, where a lot is gained if they take place in person. In this way, we give the employee the possibility, together with his team, to adapt his needs according to what is most convenient for both of them.
[Human Resources] What makes the WYgroup experience unique?
Work, integrity, and talent. These are the three fundamental pillars of WYgroup and that together with our Beach House make this a unique experience. They are the basis for us all being together, it is part of our experience, to work effectively, have fun in the process, and have profiles with a lot of talent. In addition, our Beach House is designed for all employees, it is a living space, where we welcome you with open arms and feel comfortable. This collaborative structure is the basis of our identity and a strong collective culture.
Interview originally published in Human Resources.